#DiscoverYourTalent As past week came to an end, we look back at the wonderful experience we have had with students and teach...
Halloween 2018
Activities by students: -Breakfast menus. -Spooky Halloween restaurant menus. -Comparison between Halloween and All Saints...
Breakfast at IES La Rosaleda
Breakfast at IES La Rosaleda Today, we enjoyed a tipical Spanish breakfast in IES La Rosaleda Coffee with Milk Toast: Rosale...
Critical Thinking Activity
What is Critical Thinking? Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection betw...
Globalisation and the Internet
Globalisation and The Internet The internet is great for many things, like helping people stay in touch, spreading vital infor...
Desayuno SVE
Como todos los años Intercambia celebró el 31 de Octubre el Desayuno de SVE , que pasa a partir de ahora pasa a llamarse DESAYUNO CUERP...
The European Voluntary Service (EVS)
The European Voluntary Service (EVS) What is it ? EVS is a program for young people between 18 and 30 years old . It belongs to E...
The European Vocational Skills Week (EVSW)
The European Vocational Skills Week (EVSW) From the 5th to the 9th of november, it's the EVSW The perfect week fo...
( credit ) (By Alexandra Debra) ( Credit ) ...